Plastic waste in the sea

The figures are appalling: world-wide, eight tons of plastics are produced every second and second, and each year more than six million tonnes land in the oceans.

And this problem can be observed not only in the distant oceans – in the Pacific alone, a plastic waste island, as large as Central Europe, floats, because the North Sea is also heavily burdened by plastic waste. For example, 20,000 tons of plastic alone land in their water every year; with considerable consequences for the environment and living beings.

Many empty water bottles. Shallow DOF.

Our seas have sneaked into a giant plastic soup. As the plastics are generally non-biodegradable, they are broken down into ever smaller pieces, eaten by animals and ultimately enter the food chain, not without danger to health. But also for the animals the plastic waste in the seas poses a great danger.


Seals or dolphins in old plastic nets, birds and fishes deviate at more or less large plastic parts they eat.

Waste cans supplier:

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